Achieving quality dentistry for life
Apprehensive Patient Treatment
One of the strengths of this practice is managing the comfort of and treating the “apprehensive patient”.Indeed, we enjoy the loyalty and continue to treat patients who drive for hours (some fly) to get to the practice. Dr. Lyford trained in clinical hypnosis at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, Oregon which is a major center for clinical hypnosis. Dr. Lyford is also very sensitive to the issue having experienced significant amounts of dental work in his own past. We offer nitrous oxide sedation, intravenous conscious sedation, as well as, oral conscious sedation.
Our goal with all of our “apprehensive patients” is to eliminate the tension associated with all dental experiences. The entire staff is very attuned to this aspect of the care we provide. Control of discomfort, profound anesthesia, proceeding at the patient’s own pace, and educating our patients is fundamental to our success in treating apprehension. With new patients we always begin with a patient examination in order to talk with the patient and obtain a dental history. An important part of the dental history is the patient’s past subjective experiences, both positive and negative. This is where we encourage patients to express their apprehensions, doubts, fears, concerns, and thoughts about their own oral health. We find that the consultation or Review of Findings (ROF) appointment often helps people understand what their choices are in a more relaxed atmosphere.
Educating you, the patient, is one of the keys to controlling apprehension. Our goal is to work with, as opposed to on our patients. Your participation in your own treatment decisions is fundamental to our success.